Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 71: Closing!

We were supposed to close last Friday- I'm not sure why we didn't. But they rescheduled us for today at noon, then moved us to one o'clock. The house is technically in my husband's name, so he had to do most of the signing. I did get to initial a few things. :)

This page made me laugh- it's a "Certificate of Achievement."

We gave them some money, they gave us copies of everything. All we're missing now are our keys... the courier hasn't arrived yet. blah!

So now I'm at the apartment, loading some stuff for tonight. The plan is for my husband to pick up the keys when he gets off work- hopefully they'll be there!

If not, we're hoping the saleslady will let us in- seeing as we have the documentation proving it's now OUR house... we're officially home-owners!


Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! Can't wait to visit the Carassco casa!

supermandy said...

Who is B?
Carassco? no no no